
Minimizing the environmental impact of our productions is key for us.

Our strategy for the environment is based on the use of eco-friendly fabrics,
renewable energies and waste recycling

Eco-Friendly Fabrics

We are using sustainable fabrics with full chain traceability

Renawable Energies

Our solar photovoltaïc installation panels help us to :

  • Save an average of 70% of electricity consumption

  • Decrease our emissions by almost 10 tons of CO2 per year

Waste recycling

We have been working hard to manage to recycle all our textile production wastes. Thanks to our internal process of sorting, we recycle our plastic, fabric and paper :

  • The plastic wastes are recovered and recycled in the plastics industry

  • The paper wastes end up reused as pulp paper for later re-use

  • The fabric wastes are shred and used as energy source by other industries